Reporting Results
Central Warwickshire Youth Football League currently adopts The Full Time SMS Service to register results.
The SMS Result Service allows leagues to have scores (Results only, No other match details) reported by SMS Text Message.
This allows league teams to get their results published “Instantly”. Furthermore, it helps to reduce the risk of team administrators forgetting to report results as Full-Time sends them a Text Message prompting them to report the score.
The SMS Text Prompt
During each game (normally 15 minutes after kick-off), the Full-Time Service will send an SMS Text Message to each registered mobile number, reminding them to send in the result of the game. After the game, both 'Home' and 'Away' clubs should report the score by replying to their message with Home Team First, Away Team Second, and separated by a hyphen (-).
For example:-
Replying to Full-Time
To report a 2-1 win for the 'Home' side you would simply reply: 2-1
For a 2-1 'Away' win you would text reply: 1-2
To report a postponement or abandonment, reply: P-P or A-A
Important Notes
Don’t submit the score before you receive the incoming SMS prompt from Full-Time. Make sure you give the 'Home Score' first, followed by a hyphen and then the 'Away Score'. Tell your Divisional Secretary if you change your Mobile number! Tell your Divisional Secretary if a fixture is incorrect on Full-Time before the game is played.
Remember that the SMS Score is processed by a computer, so the format MUST be correct.
Central Warwickshire Youth Football League currently adopts The Full Time SMS Service to register results.
The SMS Result Service allows leagues to have scores (Results only, No other match details) reported by SMS Text Message.
This allows league teams to get their results published “Instantly”. Furthermore, it helps to reduce the risk of team administrators forgetting to report results as Full-Time sends them a Text Message prompting them to report the score.
The SMS Text Prompt
During each game (normally 15 minutes after kick-off), the Full-Time Service will send an SMS Text Message to each registered mobile number, reminding them to send in the result of the game. After the game, both 'Home' and 'Away' clubs should report the score by replying to their message with Home Team First, Away Team Second, and separated by a hyphen (-).
For example:-
Replying to Full-Time
To report a 2-1 win for the 'Home' side you would simply reply: 2-1
For a 2-1 'Away' win you would text reply: 1-2
To report a postponement or abandonment, reply: P-P or A-A
Important Notes
Don’t submit the score before you receive the incoming SMS prompt from Full-Time. Make sure you give the 'Home Score' first, followed by a hyphen and then the 'Away Score'. Tell your Divisional Secretary if you change your Mobile number! Tell your Divisional Secretary if a fixture is incorrect on Full-Time before the game is played.
Remember that the SMS Score is processed by a computer, so the format MUST be correct.